irresponsible, showing a lack of responsibility
Building blocks
vastutus- - “responsibility”, comes from the verb "vastutama", which means "to be responsible."
-tunde- - related to the noun "tunne," meaning "feeling"
-tu - an adjective forming ending (indicates a lack of something)
So, "vastutustundetu" essentially means "irresponsible" or "lacking a sense of responsibility."
How to use it:
Here are a few ways the word “vastutustundetu” can be used ⬇️
Personal and Social Behaviour:
Joobes juhtimine on äärmiselt vastutustundetu tegu.
Translation: Driving under the influence is an extremely irresponsible act
Professional and Legal Contexts:
Arsti vastutustundetu käitumine võib patsiendi elu ohtu seada.
Translation: A doctor's irresponsible behavior can endanger a patient's life.
Vastutustundetu ja ebaprofessionaalne töökäitumine muudab kollektiivi töö keeruliseks
Literally: “Irresponsible and unprofessional work behavior changes team work difficult”
Idiomatically: “Irresponsible and unprofessional work behavior makes teamwork difficult”
Vastutustundetu - Adjective - Nominative Sg, "Irresponsible"
ja - Conjuction - Indeclinable, "and"
ebaprofessionaalne - Adjective - Nominative Sg, "unprofessional"
töökäitumime - Noun - Nominative Sg, "work behaviour"
muudab - Verb - 3P Present Sg, "changes"
kollektiivi - Noun - Genitive Sg, "team"
töö - Noun - Genitive Sg, "work"
keeruliseks - Adjective - Translative Sg, "difficult"