Building blocks
vaba- - “free”
-kutse- - “occupation” or “calling”
-line - an adjective forming ending
When combined, “vabakutseline” is literally translated as someone with a "free occupation". This means a person who is not bound to a single employer or fixed working hours, embodying the essence of a freelancer.
How to use it:
Here are just a few ways the word “andekas” can be used ⬇️
Describing the nature of a job:
Ta töötab vabakutselise ajakirjanikuna.
Translation: He works as a freelance journalist.
Referring to employment status:
Vabakutselised töötajad saavad valida oma tööaega.
Translation: Freelance workers can choose their working hours.
Vabakutseline programmeerija naudib paindlikku graafikut
Literally: “Freelance programmer enjoys flexible schedule”
Idiomatically: “A freelance programmer enjoys a flexible schedule”
Vabakutseline - Adjective - Nominative Sg, "Freelance"
programmeerija - Noun - Nominative Sg, "programmer"
naudib - Verb - 3P Present Sg, "enjoys"
paindlikku - Adjective - Partitive Sg, "flexible"
graafikut - Noun - Partitive Sg, "schedule"