to try, to attempt
Building blocks
ürita- try
-ma - infinitive ending
The Estonian word "üritama" is derived from the Finnish word "yrittää". Both words mean "to try" or "to attempt".
How to use it
Everyday Activities:
Ma üritan seda artiklit mõista. (I'm trying to understand this article.)
Learning and Skill Development:
Õpilased üritavad parandada oma keeleoskust. (Students are trying to improve their language skills.)
Insenerid üritavad leida lahendust keerulisele probleemile. (Engineers are trying to find a solution to a complex problem.)
Achieving Goals:
Meeskond üritab saavutada eesmärki. (The team is trying to achieve the goal.)
Facing Challenges:
Elu üritab meid pidevalt proovile panna. (Life constantly tries to test us.)
Sportlane üritab jõuda oma tipptasemele
Literally: “Athlete is trying to reach their peak performance-onto”
Idiomatically: “The athlete is trying to reach their peak performance”
Sportlane - Noun - Nom Sg, "Athlete"
üritab - Verb - 3P Present Sg , "is trying"
jõuda - Verb - da-Infinitive, "to reach"
oma - Pronoun - Genitive Sg, "their"
tipptasemele - Noun - Allative Sg, "peak performance-onto"