Vocab: ümber mõtlema - to reconsider
to reconsider; to change one’s mind; to revise a previous decision after further thought
Building blocks
ümber - "around," "over," "about," or "re-" (indicating a reconsideration in this context)
mõtlema - “to think”
When combined, "ümber mõtlema" literally translates to "think around" or "think over," which is related to its actual meaning - "to reconsider" or "to change one's mind."
How to use it
Euroopa riigid peavad oma julgeolekupoliitika ümber mõtlema
Literally: “European countries need their security policy around to think”
Idiomatically: “European countries need to rethink their security policy”
Euroopa - Noun - Nominative Singular: "European"
riigid - Noun - Nominative Plural: "countries"
peavad - Verb -3rd Person Plural, Present Tense: "need"
oma - Pronoun - Genitive Singular: "their"
julgeolekupoliitika - Noun - Genitive Singular: "security policy"
ümber mõtlema - Compound Verb - ma-Infinitive: "to reconsider"