unanimous; harmonious; united; in agreement or sharing the same opinion; operating harmoniously without conflict
Building blocks
üks- - "one"
-meel- - “mind”
-ne - an adjective forming ending
Thus, üksmeelne literally translates to “having one mind". It conveys the idea of unity, agreement, or harmony.
How to use it:
Here are a few ways the word “üksmeelne” can be used ⬇️
Külaelanikud võtsid vastu üksmeelse otsuse rajada uus mänguväljak
Literally: “Villagers accepted unanimous decision to build new playground”
Idiomatically: “The villagers made a unanimous decision to build a new playground”
Külaelanikud - Noun - Nominative Pl, "Villagers"
võtsid vastu - Compound verb - 3P Past Pl, "accepted"
üksmeelse - Adjective - Genitive Sg, "unanimous"
otsuse - Noun - Genitive Sg, "decision"
rajada - Verb - da-Infinitive, "to build"
uus - Adjective - Nominative Sg, "new"
mänguväljak - Noun - Nominative Sg, "playground"