Vocab: töökindel - reliable
reliable; durable; robust; used to describe tools, machines, systems, or solutions that perform dependably and consistently (without failure)
Building blocks
töö- - “work” or “job”
-kindel - “secure,” “certain,” “reliable,” or “firm”
When combined, "töökindel" literally means "work-secure" or "work-reliable," conveying something dependable or fit for work without failing.
How to use it:
Here are a few ways the word “töökindel” can be used ⬇️
Kaitseväele mõeldud kaup peab olema töökindel
Literally: “Defense-Force-onto intended goods must be reliable”
Idiomatically: “Goods intended for the Defense Forces must be reliable”
Kaitseväele - Noun - Allative Singular: "For the Defence Force"
mõeldud - Participle - Impersonal: "intended"
kaup - Noun - Nominative Singular: "goods"
peab - Verb - 3rd Person Singular, Present Tense: "must"
olema - Verb - ma-Infinitive: "be"
töökindel - Adjective - Nominative Singular: "reliable"