to enter, to go in
Building blocks
sise- - inside/inner
-ne- - translative (indicates a change of state).
-ma - infinitive ending
So, the literal translation of the verb "sisenema" is "to become inside." Since the translative suffix indicates that the subject of the verb is moving "inside" or "into."
The word sise (inner/internal/inside) is derived from Proto-Finnic sicä.
How to use it
Entering a Building:
Ma sisenesin hoonesse. (I entered the building.)
Entering an Event or Venue:
Nad sisenesid kontserdile (They entered the concert)
Entering a Competition:
Noored sportlased sisenesid võistlusele. (The young athletes entered the competition.)
Entering a Password:
Laps sisenes parooliga veebilehele (The child entered a website with a password)
Entering the market:
Ettevõte sisenes turule uue tootega. (The company entered the market with a new product.)
Töötajad sisenesid ruumi hommikuseks koosolekuks.
Literally: “Empolyees entered room-into morning meeting-for”
Idiomatically: “Employees entered the room for a morning meeting.”
Töötajad - Noun - Nom Pl, "Employees"
sisenesid - Verb - 3P Past Pl, "entered"
ruumi - Noun - Short Illative, "room-into"
hommikuseks - Adjective - Translative Sg, "morning"
koosolekuks - Noun Translative Sg, "meeting-for"