to explain something in detail; to elaborate on something; to break something down; to provide a detailed explanation; to justify something
Building blocks
selgi - from the word “selge” (clear or distinct)
-ta - factitive (“make something be X”)
-ma - infinitive ending
So, in essence, "selgitama" originates from the concept of making something clear or understandable.
How to use it
Explaining something in detail:
"Õpetaja selgitas meile matemaatikaülesandeid." (The teacher explained the math problems to us.)
Justifying an action or decision:
"Poliitik selgitas oma seisukohti avalikkusele." (The politician justified his views to the public.)
Clarifying a concept or idea:
"Artikkel selgitab, kuidas mustad augud tekivad." (The article explains how black holes are formed.)
Providing instructions or directions:
"Kasutusjuhend selgitab seadme kasutamist." (The manual explains how to use the device.)
To determine (based on data, results):
"Surma põhjuse selgitab ekspertiis.” (The cause of death will be determined by an autopsy.)
Things to note when using selgitama:
To whom you explain something is in the Allative case (ending -le)
Let’s see this case in use ⬇️
Õpetaja selgitas õpilastele kuidas fotosüntees toimib
Literally: “Teacher explained students-onto how photosynthesis works”
Idiomatically: “The teacher explained to the students how photosynthesis works”
Õpetaja - Noun - Nominative Sg, "Teacher"
selgitas - Verb - 3P Past Sg, "explained"
õpilastele - Noun - Allative Pl, "to students"
kuidas - Adverb - Indeclineable, "how"
fotosüntees - Noun - Nominative Sg, "photosynthesis"
töötab - Verb - 3P Present Sg, "works"