shiny, brilliant,radiant,sparkling,extremely good/excellent in some quality
Building blocks
sära- - shine
-v - an adjective-forming ending
The suffix -v is a common Estonian suffix for forming adjectives from verbs. It typically indicates that the adjective describes a state or quality that is caused by the action of the verb. In this case, the adjective särav describes the state of being in which something is shining or gleaming.
How to use it:
Describing a radiant person:
"Ta särav naeratus tegi kõikidele heameelt" (Her radiant smile made everyone happy).
Describing something that is bright or shiny:
“Ta kandis kaelas säravat kuldset ketti” (She wore a shiny golden chain around her neck.)
Describing someone who is excellent in some quality:
“Ta on tõeliselt särav pianist, tema mäng on võrratu.” (He is a truly brilliant pianist; his playing is magnificent.)
Eesti võrkpallurid näitasid võõrsil taas säravaid esitusi
Literally: “Estonian volleyball players showed abroad again brilliant performances”
Idiomatically: “Estonian volleyball players once again showed brilliant performances abroad”
Eesti - Noun - Nom Sg, "Estonian
võrkpallurid - Noun - Nom Pl, "volleyball players"
näitasid - Verb - 3P Past Pl, "showed"
võõrsil - Adverb - Indeclineable, "abroad"
taas - Adverb - Indeclineable, "again"
säravaid - Adjective - Partitive Pl, "brilliant"
esitusi - Noun - Partitive Pl, "performances"
Nad on kõik säravad isiksused
Literally: “They are all bright personalities”
Idiomatically: “They are all vibrant personalities”
Nad - Pronoun - Nom Pl, "They"
on - Verb - 3P Present Pl, "are"
kõik - Pronoun - Nom Pl, "all"
säravad - Adjective - Nom Pl, "bright"
isiksused - Noun - Nom Pl, "personalities"