Building blocks
reisi - travel
-ma - infinitive ending
The Estonian verb "reisima," is likely derived from the Low German word "reise"
How to use it
General travel:
"Meie pere reisib igal suvel." (Our family travels every summer.)
Travel for work or business:
"Reisin homme tööasjus Stockholmi.” (I am traveling to Stockholm tomorrow for business.)
Long-term or extensive travel:
"Pärast ülikooli võtsin aasta vabaks ja reisisin ümber maailma." (After university, I took a year off and traveled around the world.)
Specific modes of travel:
"Me reisisime rongiga läbi Euroopa." (We traveled by train through Europe.)
Peale kooli lõpetamist reisisin ma läbi Euroopa
Literally: “After school graduating traveled I through Europe”
Idiomatically: “After graduating from school, I traveled through Europe”
Peale - Preposition - Indeclinable, "After"
kooli - Noun - Genitive Sg, "school"
lõpetamist - Noun - Partitive Sg, "graduating"
reisisin - Verb - 1P Past Sg, "I travelled"
ma - Pronoun - Nominative Sg, "I"
läbi - Adverb - Indeclinable, "through"
Euroopa - Noun - Genitive Sg, "Europe"