to blossom, to bloom, to flourish, to flower, to prosper
Building blocks
We can break down õitsema
into different parts:
- blossom,-tse-
continuative (“to continue blossoming”),-ma
- infinitive ending
How to use it
This verb is intransitive, meaning it does not take an object.
In other words, something can blossom, but you cannot “blossom” a thing.
Mõned taimesordid õitsevad juba varakevadel
Literally: “Some plant types blossom already on early spring”
Idiomatically: “Some plant types already blossom in early spring”
Mõned - Pronoun - Nom Pl, "Some"
taimesordid - Noun - Nom Pl, "plant types"
õitsevad - Verb - 3P Pl Present, "blossom"
juba - Adverb - "already"
varakevadel - Noun - Adessive Sg, "on early spring"
Eesti tselluloositööstus õitses kahe maailmasõja vahel.
Literally: “Estonian Cellulose factory flourished two World Wars between.”
Idiomatically: “Estonian Cellulose factory flourished between the two World Wars.”
Eesti - Noun - Genitive Sg, "Estonian"
tselluloositööstus - Noun - Nom Sg , "cellulose factory"
õitses - Verb - 3P Sg Past "flourished"
kahe - Numeral - Genitive Sg, "two"
maailmasõja - Noun - Genitive Sg, "World Wars"
vahel - Adverb - "between"