Vocab: õel - mean
mean; malicious and spiteful towards someone
Building blocks
"Õel" is a native Estonian word (põlissõna) that means "mean," "malicious," or "spiteful." It conveys negativity, describing someone or something as intentionally unkind. The word has roots in the Finno-Ugric language family.
There is also a related noun - "õelus" (malice)
How to use it:
Here are a few ways the word “õel” can be used ⬇️
Õelad sõnad jäid tüdruku hinge kriipima
Literally: “Mean words stayed girl's soul to sting”
Idiomatically: “The mean words lingered in the girl’s heart”
Õelad - Adjective - Nominative Plural: "Mean"
sõnad - Noun - Nominative Plural: "words"
jäid - Verb - 3rd Person Plural, Past Tense: "stayed"
tüdruku - Noun - Genitive Singular: "girl's"
hinge - Noun - Partitive Singular: "soul"
kriipima - Verb - ma-Infinitive: "to sting"