to get together, to meet up, to meet (usually by prior arrangement), to assemble the whole from the details, to gather
Building blocks
kokku - together, total
saama - to get
Usually, the meanings of compound verbs are just a combination of the adverb and the verb’s meaning. In this case it translates to “to get together”
How to use it
Meeting someone:
Saame täna kell kaks pargis kokku.
Translation: Let's meet at the park today at two o'clock.
To gather or to collect something:
Üritan korteri ostuks raha kokku saada.
Translation: I am trying to save up money to buy an apartment.
To assemble something:
Poiss sai LEGO komplekti kiiresti kokku.
Translation: The boy quickly assembled the LEGO set
What to remember when using the compound verb “kokku saama”:
With whom you get together is in the Comitative case (ending -ga)
See this in use ⬇️
Vilistlased said oma endise klassijuhatajaga kokku
Literally: “Alumni got their former class teacher-with together”
Idiomatically: “The alumni met up with their former class teacher”
Vilistlased - Noun - Nominative Pl, "Alumni"
said (kokku) - Compound verb - 3P Past Pl, "got (together)"
oma - Pronoun - Genitive Sg, "their"
endise - Adjective - Genitive Sg, "previous"
klassijuhatajaga - Noun - Comitative Sg, "class teacher-with"
(said) kokku - Adverb - Indeclinable, "(got) together"