to concentrate, to focus, to focus all your attention and thoughts on something
Building blocks
keskendu- concentrate
-ma - infinitive ending
It’s derived from Proto-Finnic keski (middle). In Finnish they have a similar word keskitää (to focus).
How to use it
Here are some common situations in which you can use this word:
Work or Study:
"Ma pean tööle keskenduma." (I need to focus at work.)
Sports and Physical Activities:
"Enne jooksu keskendu oma hingamisele." (Before running, concentrate on your breathing.)
"Keskendu lahenduste leidmisele, mitte probleemile endale." (Focus on finding solutions, not the problem itself.)
Personal Development:
"Keskendu oma eesmärkide saavutamisele." (Concentrate on achieving your goals.)
Task Completion:
"Keskendu ülesande lõpetamisele." (Concentrate on completing the task.)
On whom/what you concentrate is in the Allative case (ending -le):
"Keskendu oma eesmärkide saavutamisele (Allative Pl)." (Concentrate on achieving your goals)
Kunstnik keskendus täielikult oma loomingule
Literally: “Artist focused fully his creation-on”
Idiomatically: “The artist focused fully on his creation”
Kunstnik - Noun - Nom Sg, "Artist"
keskendus - Verb - 3P Past Sg, "focused"
täielikult - Adjective - Ablative Sg, "fully"
oma - Pronoun - Nom Sg, "his"
loomingule - Noun - Allative Sg, "creation-on"