to be jealous, to begrudge
Building blocks
kade- envious
-sta- causative (“make something be X”)
-ma - infinitive ending
It’s derived from Proto-Finnic: kadeh
How to use it
Whom/what you are holding is in the partitive case (third base form).
Naine kadestas oma õe ilu
Literally: “Woman envied own sister's beauty”
Idiomatically: “(The) woman envied her sister's beauty”
Naine - Noun - Nom Sg, "Woman"
kadestas - Verb - 3P Past Sg, "envied"
oma - Pronoun - Gen Sg, "her"
õe - Noun - Gen Sg, "sister's"
ilu - Noun - Part Sg, "beauty"
Ma kadestan su vabadust
Literally: “I envy your freedom”
Ma - Pronoun - Nom Sg, "I"
kadestan - Verb - 1P Present Sg, "envy"
su - Pronoun - Gen Sg, "your"
vabadust - Noun - Part Sg, "freedom"