Building blocks
kaasa - “along” or “with”
elama - “to live”
When combined as "kaasa elama," the verb means "to live along with" someone. Thus, "kaasa elama" encapsulates the idea of actively and emotionally engaging with someone else's experience or performance.
How to use it
Cheering or Supporting Someone (e.g., in sports):
"Ma lähen täna õhtul jalgpallimängule ja elan oma meeskonnale kaasa."
Translation: "I am going to the football match tonight and will cheer on my team."
Showing Empathy or Sympathy:
"Ta elab oma sõprade muredele alati kaasa."
Translation: "He always empathizes with his friends' troubles."
What to remember when using the compound verb “kaasa elama”:
The object/person of your cheering or empathy is in the Allative case (ending -le)
See this in use ⬇️
Rahvas elas rallisõidule kaasa
Literally: “Crowd lived rally race along”
Idiomatically: “The crowd cheered on the rally race.”
Rahvas - Noun - Nominative Sg, "Crowd"
elas (kaasa) - Compound Verb - 3P Past Sg, "cheered (along)"
rallisõidule - Noun - Allative Sg, "rally race"
(elas) kaasa - Adverb - Indeclinable, "(cheered) along"