selfish, egoistic, acting only based on one's own benefit or one's own opinions
Building blocks
ise- - oneself
-kas - an adjective forming ending (signifies abundance of a quality)
Therefore, a literal translation of "isekas" would be "abundance of self," which perfectly aligns with the concept of selfishness.
It’s a loan word from Finnish itsekäs (selfish). Derived originally from Proto-Finnic icek (self).
How to use it:
Describing Selfish Behavior
Ära ole isekas, jaga oma mänguasju väikevennaga.
Translation: Don't be selfish, share your toys with your little brother.
Describing a Self-Centered Attitude
Sportlase isekas suhtumine tekitab meeskonnas palju probleeme.
Translation: The athlete’s selfish attitude causes a lot of problems in the team.
Political statements
Hiina süüdistas Ühendriike isekas ja vastutustundetus välispoliitikas
Translation: China accused the United States of selfish and irresponsible foreign policy
Valitseja tegi isekaid ja läbimõtlematuid otsuseid
Literally: “Ruler made selfish and toughtless decisions”
Idiomatically: “The ruler made selfish and toughtless decisions”
Valitseja - Noun - Nominative Sg, "Ruler"
tegi - Verb - 3P Past Sg, "made"
isekaid - Adjective - Partitive Pl, "selfish"
ja - Conjunction - Indeclinable, "and"
läbimõtlematuid - Adjective - Partitive Pl, "toughtless"
otsuseid - Noun - Partitive Pl, "decisions"