frightening; fearsome; dreadful; something that creates or instills fear, makes you feel uneasy, or startles you; extremely big, enormous, vast; alarming
Building blocks
hirmu - genitive form of the noun "hirm," which means "fear."
-äratav- - from the verb "äratama," which means "to wake" or "to awaken"
Together, "hirmuäratav" literally means "fear-awakening" or "fear-arousing," which is used to describe something as "terrifying" or "frightening."
How to use it:
Here are a few ways the word “hirmuäratav” can be used ⬇️
Frightening or Terrifying Situation
Pimedast metsast kostuv ulgumine oli hirmuäratav.
Translation: The howling coming from the dark forest was terrifying.
Very Big/Vast (in a negative or alarming sense):
Linnastumise tempo võtab hirmuäratavaid mõõtmeid.
Translation: The pace of urbanization is reaching alarming proportions.
Küberrünnakute hulk kasvab hirmuäratava kiirusega
Literally: “Cyberattacks amount grows alarming rate-with”
Idiomatically: “The number of cyberattacks is growing at an alarming rate“
Küberrünnakute - Noun - Genitive Pl, "Cyberattacks"
hulk - Noun - Nominative Sg, "amount"
kasvab - Verb - 3P Present Sg, "grows"
hirmuäratava - Adjective - Genitive Sg, "alarming"
kiirusega - Noun - Comitative Sg, "with rate"
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