Vocab: hädaldama - to complain
to complain; to whine; to complain or express trouble or concern excessively, often in a desperate or whining manner
Building blocks
häda- - "trouble," "problem," "emergency," or "distress"
-lda- - factitive (“to cause or create trouble/distress”)
-ma - infinitive ending
Combined, "hädaldama" means "to complain about trouble or distress."
How to use it
What to remember
The thing you're complaining about is in the genitive case (third base form), followed by the word 'üle' (over) when expressing what you are complaining about.
The thing you're complaining about is in the genitive case (third base form), followed by the word 'pärast' (because of), when indicating the cause of the complaint.
See these in use ⬇️
Põllumees hädaldab ebatavaliselt kuumade ilmade üle
Literally: “Farmer is complaining unusually hot weather over”
Idiomatically: “The farmer is complaining about the unusually hot weather”
Põllumees - Noun - Nominative Singular: "Farmer"
hädaldab - Verb - 3rd Person Singular, Present Tense: "is complaining"
ebatavaliselt - Adverb - Indeclinable: "unusually"
kuumade - Adjective - Genitive Plural: "hot"
ilmade - Noun - Genitive Plural: "weather"
üle - Postposition - Indeclinable: "over"
Näljane laps hädaldas iga asja pärast
Literally: “Hungry child complained every thing because of”
Idiomatically: “The hungry child complained about everything”
Näljane - Adjective - Nominative Singular: "Hungry"
laps - Noun - Nominative Singular: "child"
hädaldas - Verb - 3rd Person Singular, Past Tense: "complained"
iga - Pronoun - Genitive Singular: "every"
asja - Noun - Genitive Singular: "thing"
pärast - Postposition - Indeclinable: "because of"