a person who is good at taking initiative, starting new things, and finding solutions to problems, enterprising
Building blocks
ettevõtt- - undertaking
-lik - an adjective-forming ending
It’s derived from a verb: ette võtma (to undertake). Breaking it down even further, we have two words:
ette - in advance, ahead, beforehand. However in "ettevõtlik," it doesn't directly translate to "in advance,". Here, the meaning is related to taking the initiative or starting something.
võtma - to take, to seize
Together, "ette" and "võtma" create the idea of taking action and initiating something.
How to use it:
Business Ventures:
Ta on äärmiselt ettevõtlik ja alati valmis uusi äriideid ellu viima. (He is extremely enterprising and always ready to implement new business ideas.)
Ettevõtlikkus on oluline omadus keeruliste olukordade lahendamisel. (Resourcefulness is an important trait in solving complex situations.)
Ettevõtlikud inimesed leiavad alati uusi ja nutikaid lahendusi. (Enterprising individuals always find new and clever solutions.)
Ettevõtlikud inimesed kohanevad kiiresti muutuva keskkonnaga. (Enterprising individuals adapt quickly to changing environments.)
Ettevõtlik noor leiab alati lahendusi
Literally: “Entreprenurial youth finds always solutions”
Idiomatically: “The entreprenurial youth always finds solutions”
Ettevõtlik - Adjective - Nominative Sg, "Entreprenurial"
noor - Noun - Nominative Sg, "youth"
leiab - Verb - 3P Present Sg, "finds"
alati - Adverb - Indeclineable, "always"
lahendusi - Noun - Partitive Pl, "solutions"