unpredictable, difficult or impossible to foresee
Building blocks
ette- - "before" or "in advance"
-arvama- - a verb meaning "to think" or "to guess"
-tu - an adjective forming ending (indicates the absence or lack of something)
So, "ettearvamatu" literally translates to something like "unable to be guessed or thought of in advance," which conveys the meaning of "unpredictable."
How to use it:
Here are a few ways the word “ettearvamatu” can be used ⬇️
Describing a Person or Personality:
Inimesed, kelle käitumine on ettearvamatu, tekitavad tihti segadust.
Translation: People whose behavior is unpredictable often cause confusion.
Describing Situations, Events, or the Weather:
Islandi ilm on väga ettearvamatu.
Translation: Icelandic weather is very unpredictable.
Ettearvamatu maksupoliitika muudab riigi vähem atraktiivseks investeerimiskeskkonnaks
Literally: “Unpredictable tax policy changes country less attractive-into investment evironment-into”
Idiomatically: “Unpredictable tax policy makes the country a less attractive investment environment“
Ettearvamatu - Adjective - Nominative Sg, "Unpredictable"
maksupoliitika - Noun - Nominative Sg, "tax policy"
muudab - Verb - 3P Present Sg, "changes"
riigi - Noun - Genitive Sg, "country"
vähem - Comparative Degree - Indeclinable, "less"
atraktiivseks - Adjective - Translative Sg, "into attractive"
investeerimiskeskkonnaks - Noun - Translative Sg, "into investment environment"