Vocab: eemaldama - to remove
to remove; to take away; to eliminate; to prohibit further participation (in a game or competition)
Building blocks
eemal- - "away" or "at a distance”
-da- - causative (“make something be X”)
-ma – infinitive ending
Together, eemaldama literally conveys the idea of "taking away" or "moving something to a distance."
How to use it
What to remember
From where you remove something is in the Ablative case (ending -lt) - usually when referring to a specific surface or object
From where you remove something from in the Elative case (ending -st) - usually when referring to a larger, abstract source like an event or location
See these in use ⬇️
Puhastusvahend eemaldas pannilt mustuse
Literally: “Cleaning product removed pan-from grime”
Idiomatically: “The cleaning product removed the grime from the pan”
Puhastusvahend - Noun - Nominative Singular: "Cleaning product"
eemaldas - 3rd Person Singular, Past Tense: "removed"
pannilt - Noun - Ablative Singular: "from pan"
mustuse - Noun - Genitive Singular: "grime"
Miami Heat eemaldas Atlanta Hawksi konkurentsist ning liigub teise ringi
Literally: “Miami Heat removed Atlanta Hawks competition-from and advances second round-into”
Idiomatically: “Miami Heat removed the Atlanta Hawks from the competition and advances to the second round”
Miami Heat - Noun - Nominative Singular: "Miami Heat"
eemaldas - Verb - 3rd Person Singular, Past Tense: "removed"
Atlanta Hawksi - Noun - Genitive Singular: "Atlanta Hawks"
konkurentsist - Noun - Elative Singular: "from competitiom"
ning - Conjunction - Indeclinable: "and"
liigub - Verb - 3rd Person Singular, Present tense: "advances"
teise - Adjective - Short Illative Singular: "into second"
ringi - Noun - Short Illative Singular: "into round"