illegal; unlawful; officially prohibited or unrecognized
Building blocks
eba- - a prefix meaning "un-" or "non-," used to indicate something negative or opposite
-seadus- - “law”
-lik - an adjective forming ending, meaning "-like"
So, "ebaseaduslik" literally means "un-law-like" or "non-lawful," translating to "illegal" or "unlawful."
How to use it:
Here are a few ways the word “ebaseaduslik” can be used ⬇️
Describing Actions That Break the Law:
Korrakaitsjad uurivad ebaseaduslikku tegevust metsaraiel.
Translation: The authorities are investigating illegal logging activity.
Describing Unauthorized or Unregistered Entities:
Ettevõte sai trahvi, kuna pakkus ebaseaduslikke teenuseid.
Translation: The company was fined for offering illegal services.
Seni on Eesti suutnud tagasi saata 90 protsenti ebaseaduslikest sisserändajatest
Literally: “So Far has Estonia managed back to send 90 percent illegal-from immigrants-from”
Idiomatically: “So far, Estonia has managed to send back 90 percent of illegal immigrants“
Seni - Adverb - Indeclinable, "So far"
on suutnud - Verb - 3P Present Perfect Sg, "has managed"
Eesti - Noun - Nominative Sg, "Estonia"
tagasi - Adverb - Indeclinable, "back"
saata - Verb - da-Infinitive, "to send"
90 - Numeral - "90"
protsenti - Noun - Partitive Sg, "percent"
ebaseaduslikest - Adjective - Elative Pl, "from illegal"
sisserändajatest - Noun - Elative Pl, "from immigrants"