uncomfortable; disturbing; making you feel unwell; causing embarrassment or discomfort
Building blocks
eba- - a common prefix in Estonian that means "un-", "non-", or "dis-" and indicates a negative or opposite condition. It negates or reverses the meaning of the base word.
-mugav - "comfortable" or "convenient."
When combined, ebamugav means "uncomfortable" or "inconvenient." The word expresses the opposite of something being comfortable physically, mentally, or emotionally.
How to use it:
Here are a few ways the word “ebamugav” can be used ⬇️
Physical discomfort:
See tool on ebamugav, ma ei suuda siin kaua istuda.
Translation: This chair is uncomfortable; I can't sit here for long.
Social discomfort:
Kohe kui nad hakkasid isiklikke küsimusi esitama, muutus vestlus ebamugavaks
Translation: As soon as they started asking personal questions, the conversation became uncomfortable
Teetööd muudavad linlaste igapäevaelu ebamugavaks ja segavad liiklemist
Literally: “Roadworks make residents daily life unconfortable-into and disrupt movement”
Idiomatically: “Roadworks make the daily lives of residents uncomfortable and disrupt their commute“
Teetööd - Noun - Nominative Pl, "Roadworks"
muudavad - Verb - 3P Present Pl, "make"
linlaste - Noun - Genitive Pl, "residents"
igapäevaelu - Noun - Genitive Sg, "daily life"
ebamugavaks - Adjective - Translative Sg, "into uncomfortable"
ja - Conjunction - Indeclinable, "and"
segavad - Verb - 3P Present Pl, "disrupt"
liiklemist - Noun - Partitive Sg, "movement"