to make a process or movement slower
Building blocks
We can break down aeglustama
into different parts:
- slowness,-ta-
causative (“make something be X”),-ma
- infinitive ending
Mobiiltelefon aeglustab juhi reaktsioonikiirust
“A mobile phone slows down a driver’s reaction speed”
Mobiiltelefon - Noun - Nom Sg, mobile phone
aeglustab - Verb - 3P Present Sg, (it) slows down
juhi - Noun - Gen Sg, (a) driver's
reaktsioonikiirust - Noun - Part Sg, reaction speed
Energia hind aeglustas inflatsiooni
“The price of energy slowed down inflation”
Energia - Noun - {Gen Sg,Nom Sg}, {"of energy", "energy's"}
hind - Noun - Nom Sg, price
aeglustas - Verb - 3P Past Sg, (it) slowed down
inflatsiooni - Noun {Gen Sg,Part Sg}, inflation